So I"m not sure if it was the sausage I ate for dinner or what but man were my dreams freak a deaky last night.
The first one I remember had Robin Roberts (yes the black one from GMA, as my husband so eloquently asked this AM) She refused to report on some story that was 'too close' and so resigned. VERY ODD...
Then I remember going on vacation with my family. I remember my dad being there, which is nice since he's dead & all and I don't regularly dream of him, so it was good to see him.
But somewhere along the way things got freaky. Like Vampires were involved and some how my son in the dream (no RL thankfully) saw one of them kill another and then eneded up crippled because of it. They wanted to kill my son too because he was a witness, but didn't? Anyhow, it had crazy dark and yucky shower stalls and Aro doing his if I touch you you'll read my mind but I planned on somehow killing them or keeping them away from my son so I wouldn't shake his hand? Then I though what about gloves? Since theres no skin contact? Anyhow, rambly thoughts aside, it was a very dark and distrubing take to my subconcious.
OH, and I think our vacation was supposed to take place at Disney World. Yeah, not the happiest place in my mind, that's for sure.
I think I need to stop reading vamp fics. Y/N?
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