Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Shocked by the love!

As some of you know, I'm a co-host of The Emerging Swan Awards.  

And the award nomination and voting timeline has actually been progressing along quite nicely.  Not without a lot of blood, sweat and tears. (okay, only a paper cut, some mild perspiration over my lip cause the AC was broken and a single tear shed because...)

I was nominated!!  
My full length fic, Twilight Reflected In Brown Eyes was nom'd for Best Edward/Bella (completed) and Best Romance (completed)  - I was honestly shocked that I was nominated. 

Not only that, but I was also nominated for the Oldie but Goodie Author Award.  (Okay, maybe two tears were shed, one for my fic and one for me being an author someone thought was worthy of notice)

So I just wanted to send a quick thank you to whomever thought I was worthy enough of a nomination. I honestly do appreciate the love!

Now if you'd all be so kind and go vote (for me if you enjoyed the story, or for someone else if you didn't - but the voting part is most important here!)  I'd really appreciate it.

My beta's amazing fic - Amore Vietato by blackjacklily is nom'd too.  Go read it!

Now hurry along and get your vote on!  CLICK HERE TO VOTE!

**And to my fic readers - Dreams He Sold Her, the conclusion is almost done being beta'd
**Behind the Velvet Rope, chapter 4 is in final editing and will be sent off to my beta shortly

***And to my MAGNIFICENT, SUPER, AMAZING BETA - @BloodRedRose / BlackJackLily - Happy Worship your Beta day!!  (or whatever those crazy kids are calling it)  You rock my world from top to bottom!!

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