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By Soapymayhem |
Based on: Banner #8 bySoapymayhem
Word count: 983
Thanks to TwilightMomofTwo for betaing this on very short notice
Also - The banner above was my inspiration for the below fic
Illusionary Love
She was perfect.
Her big doe eyes glanced my way with a look of longing and desire.
Legs that went on forever, tucked into sky high heels, giving her ass a pronounced jut into the atmosphere.
She always worked the stage where I sat, every night eating up the attention I gave her.
She smiled coyly, shaking her ass in my face just to taunt me, but I knew. Deep down I knew she would be mine.
Throwing down another twenty, she wandered over with a grin plastered across her lovely face. I wondered what she did during the day and why she chose this lively profession. And tonight I hoped to ask her.
Climbing down, she tucked the money into her bra before straddling my lap. Every evening it began a little different and after watching her night after night, I knew I was special. I was the only one who got a different dance every night. She saved her routine for the other average Joes she must work for. Right now her glorious boobs were in my face; the smell of her dainty vanilla perfume made my head spin with a hunger reserved only for her.
Channeling what little confidence I had, I croaked, “What’s your name?”
She spun in my lap in one graceful move, tugging on the string of her tiny mesh skirt that’s not exactly hiding her thong beneath.
“Brandy, what’s yours?” Her voice was deep and exotic, reminding me a little of Kathleen Turner’s in Body Heat.
“I’m Eddd-Edward,” I stuttered, cursing at my inability to talk to her like a normal person. I’d been coming here for two weeks now and the day I finally had the courage to talk to her, I froze up.
“I’ve seen you around, Edward,” she cooed as she turned to face me, running a finger along my jaw while she did some kind of crazy gyrating move with her hips. “What brings you in here, night after night?”
“You, Brandy. I come here, for you.” I’m surprised with how easily I confessed my need for her.
“Little ol’ me? Well, that’s mighty flattering.” A southern twang lilted across her tongue as she teased me some more, grinding her ass into my lap, knowing my erection was poking in her direction.
My hands itched to touch her, but I could see a meaty bouncer from the corner of my eye and knew if I even grazed my pinky across her shoulder I’d be tossed out, never to return. And I couldn’t have that. I couldn’t be away from her.
I felt the sweat drip down my temples, as she continued to work her magic. Bending and dipping, twirling and grinding in all the right places. My mind swirled with uncontrollable fantasies of taking her home and into my bed. Watching her cook my meals naked in nothing but an apron, and when I came home from work she’d be splayed out for me across the bed, asking me if she could help relieve the stress of my day. To have her at my beck and call 24/7 would be my dream come true.
“I could take you away from all this, you know?” I whispered, unsure of myself, but knowing I’d do just about anything to have her.
“Aw, that’s mighty sweet of you, but what makes you think I need saving, darlin’?” Her drawl is filled with a smidgen of sarcasm.
Her reply intrigued me, since I assumed if she was working here, she probably didn’t have much of a choice. “Um, I don’t know. I guess I just figured you did this because you had to.”
Feeling her hips stop moving, I looked away from her perky tits and up to her eyes. They were intense, a brown that was more chocolate than mud and they were sparkling clear. Not a hint of drugs or alcohol that I could ascertain.
“Edward. I’m in my last year of law school. I work here because the hours are compatible with school and the pay is more than I’d make doing just about anything else legal. So before you come in here on your white horse thinking you’ll whisk me away from my poor little life, think again.” Her accent has disappeared and I’m feeling an ache in the pit of my stomach knowing she probably wouldn’t ever talk to me outside of this place. “But you’re kind to offer, really. It’s actually the nicest thing anyone’s said to me in a long time.”
She smiled warmly, getting up from my lap and sauntered back towards the stage with a quick flick of a wave behind her. My heart and dick shriveled up at the dismissal.
Polishing off my drink in one gulp, I got up unsure if I’d ever be able to show my face in the club again. She didn’t need me. She didn’t want me. It was all an illusion, a façade.
Before I made it to the door, a huge hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.
“Hey. Brandy wanted me to give this to you.” He handed me a piece of paper and released me from his hold.
I stepped out into the cold night and opened up the note under the street lamp near the corner where I always waited to catch a cab home.
You honestly are quite sweet. Thanks for coming to see me.
I get off at midnight if you want to have a cup of coffee at the diner down the street.
Wait for me there if you want to talk. If you’re not there, I’ll assume not.
Brandy aka – Bella.
I felt the corners of my mouth turn up into a grin and headed in direction of the twenty-four hour diner around the corner wondering all the while if my future would include a pretty girl named Bella.
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