A Twific reader & writer. I'm mcgt on ff.net, Twilighted & TWCS. I'm part of the Twific Reviews team. You can follow me on twitter at @mcgt2008
Friday, November 30, 2012
Yes, Virginia. It is a new Behind the Velvet Rope chapter
I realize I have been completely remiss when it comes to this particular story.
I had honestly thought I could finish this up by the end of summer (not next summer, but the one a few months ago.). Unfortunately, I had a few major hiccups in my RL and I was both unable and unmotivated to work on this particular story.
However, now that NaNoWriMo is over (I got my OF started, but nowhere near the 50k WC) - I am going to put my full attention on finishing up BTVR, what will ultimately be my final Twilight fanfic story. After four years and twenty three stories, my swansong is coming closer for this fandom.
I am not going anywhere, I'm not pulling to publish or anything of the sort, but I'm done recreating lives for Edward and Bella. While they inspired me for so long, they no longer do so. Instead I am trying my hand at creating my very own characters with their own stories to tell.
Once I've completed BTVR, I will pull all of my stories on FFN, Twilighted & TWCS. I will instead be offering them as PDFs on this site, to whomever may want them.
If you're interested in following along with my new OF journey, please follow me on twitter at @michelawalters, on Facebook or on my new blog - Michela Walters on Wordpress.
Thank you all so much for your continued support for these last 4 years. Like I said, I'm not going anywhere, I just won't be posting any more Twifics.
Thanks & until next time,
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Fandom Event Reminders
Hi, guys
I know, it's been a long time since I posted in here, but I was on vacation for a while & my RL work is kind of overwhelming me right now.
But I have a couple of things I wanted to make sure any of my followers knew about.
1 - The Emerging Swan Award nominations close on Sunday 8/5. Please make one of your fellow Twi-fic author's day and nominate them for an ES Award. This award is for those little stories that could. The ones you wonder why people aren't reading. Hopefully winning will give them a little added exposure for the stories you know and love.
2. Please help - the Fandom4Colorado is now accepting donations and authors willing to contribute a story for the compilation. Over 1000 homes were destroyed in June when wildfires swept through parts of the state. Anything you can do to help would be much appreciated. As a resident of Colorado, I know the damage all this caused, and now that we've been having a lot of rain, those areas are now experiencing mudslides. Please donate and help out all those affected.
3. And lastly, if you haven't already done so, please follow along with my original fiction blog under the pen name - Michela Walters. I will be posting various flash fiction and other short stories in there along with posting my Nose in a Book Reviews segment.
And to those anxiously waiting another Behind the Velvet Rope chapter, please be patient. My RL is a lot more hectic than I thought when I decided to try and finish it this summer. I'm trying, but please be a little patient. It will be completed as soon as I can manage it.
Until next time,
Monday, July 2, 2012
Behind the Velvet Rope - Chapter 8 posted
Hi guys,
I know, I've been somewhat remiss with my posting in here, but it's because I'm trying to figure out a couple of original fic/story ideas and which to try and tackle first.
I'm a waffler by nature, indecisive to a fault. So hopefully I'll outline and move forward with one.
In the meantime, I've vowed to myself to finish my sole neglected WIP - Behind the Velvet Rope by summer's end.
In fulfilling my promise, I posted a shortish chapter today if you're interested.
Behind the Velvet Rope - Chapter 8
Also - if you haven't heard - The Emerging Swan Awards will begin the nomination process on July 15th.
Check out the site for all the rules and information. Put together your list of favorite Twi-fics and then nominate them when we open in the middle of the month.
Until next time,
I know, I've been somewhat remiss with my posting in here, but it's because I'm trying to figure out a couple of original fic/story ideas and which to try and tackle first.
I'm a waffler by nature, indecisive to a fault. So hopefully I'll outline and move forward with one.
In the meantime, I've vowed to myself to finish my sole neglected WIP - Behind the Velvet Rope by summer's end.
In fulfilling my promise, I posted a shortish chapter today if you're interested.

Behind the Velvet Rope - Chapter 8
Also - if you haven't heard - The Emerging Swan Awards will begin the nomination process on July 15th.
Check out the site for all the rules and information. Put together your list of favorite Twi-fics and then nominate them when we open in the middle of the month.
Until next time,
Friday, June 15, 2012
#TT25 - Completed Banner
Since I completed my Twilight 25 fic - Celestial Countenance, Ms. Ambrosia was kind enough to make a banner for each of the authors who completed the challenge.
Purty, isn't it?
Purty, isn't it?
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
New Blog for my Original Fic works
Hi guys,
Just a quick post to let you all know that I'm going to be posting all my original fiction stories on another blog. This persona will still be what all my fanfic will be listed under, but I'm moving forward with my other goals of writing some non-Twilight based fiction.
If you enjoy my writing, then please follow my other blog & twitter/facebook accounts
Michela Walters Blog
MichelaWalters Twitter
Michela Walters Facebook
I'm not abandoning my Fanfic story Behind the Velvet Rope, but once I'm done with that story, I'll probably cease to write any more Twilight based work.
I appreciate all of your support these last four years that I've written Twilight fiction, and hope you'll continue to support me in my other endeavors.
Until next time,
Just a quick post to let you all know that I'm going to be posting all my original fiction stories on another blog. This persona will still be what all my fanfic will be listed under, but I'm moving forward with my other goals of writing some non-Twilight based fiction.
If you enjoy my writing, then please follow my other blog & twitter/facebook accounts
Michela Walters Blog
MichelaWalters Twitter
Michela Walters Facebook
I'm not abandoning my Fanfic story Behind the Velvet Rope, but once I'm done with that story, I'll probably cease to write any more Twilight based work.
I appreciate all of your support these last four years that I've written Twilight fiction, and hope you'll continue to support me in my other endeavors.
Until next time,
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Here's to the middle ages
So today is my birthday.
Not just any birthday, but the one that brings me into the middle ages. I figure since the average lifespan is somewhere probably in the early eighties, then I am just hitting the middle of my time here on earth, if nothing horribly catastrophic or tragic hits me to shorten that.
So, now that I'm here, I wonder what should I do with the rest of my life?
It sounds silly, especially when I think about the fact it was probably the topic of some essay I used to get into college, yet here I am, some twenty plus years later and still thinking about it.
But to be honest, I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, or older or however you want to put it.
I'm smart. I have a college degree and a masters. Yet I still am flummoxed as how to make my time left here worth something. That me being here actually mattered. (well to someone other than my kids)
Perhaps I'm just waxing nostalgic today, but I honestly don't have a clue. I'm wandering in circles, flitting into this or that, dabbling in the arts, in music and in writing. But I have yet to find the patience and willingness to stand still long enough to master any of them.
So, another year has passed me by and I am still suck in the same spot as last year, and the year before, and the year before that.
I'm vowing to change that this year though.
(don't laugh)
I have been writing fan fiction for the last four years.
I've written 2 full length fics, 1 WIP and something like 17 One-shots
And I think once I finish Behind the Velvet Rope (my WIP) I'm going to try and write some OF. I'm trying to work on improving my overall writing and hope to test them out with this new story. Who knows if I'll ever have the courage to attempt to get it published (I am in the closet after all) but we'll see.
Other than that, I haven't a clue what this next year will bring, but I hope it is filled with laughter, love, great friends (both near & far) and health. Everything else is gravy, icing, or whatever you want to call it.
Thanks to everyone in the fandom who has supported me, reviewed and read any of my stories. You've kept me sane these last 4 years and I cherish every moment I've been here.
In the mean time, I'm going to do my best to stay forever young.
and I hope you'll all stick by me as I do.
Until next time,
Friday, May 11, 2012
Happy Birthday @faerie_kitten - The Anniversary Present
I was asked to write a little Esme/Carlisle fic for Faerie Kitten's birthday.
So here's what I came up with.
Cheers FK! I hope you have a fabulous day!
This is rated M - lemonade ahead.
Thanks to IamTheAlleyCat for betaing this for me.
The Anniversary Present
“Esme, you know he’s going to love
it, right? It’s so…well, not you,” my friend, Bella, said when I told her what
I’d done to celebrate Carlisle and my anniversary. “It’s so provocative. You’ll
have to show me the next time I’m over. Have fun tonight, and I’ll talk to you
After I hung up, I began wrapping
up the present, doing my best to avoid actually looking at it. I wasn’t used to
putting myself out there, almost asking for attention. That wasn’t who I was. But
I knew Carlisle would be surprised and likely awestruck that I actually went
through it, just to make him happy. Flipping it over, I bent the wrapping paper
over the sides but was startled when someone kissed my neck, right behind my
“Happy anniversary, baby,” my
husband of ten years whispered, spinning me around to kiss me properly.
He still had the ability to send
my head spinning when he dipped me low, kissing me like someone from one of the
old romantic movies I liked to watch late at night when I couldn’t sleep. “What
are you doing home? I thought you had to work till six?”
Nuzzling my neck, I could tell
he’s feeling amorous, even after working eight of the twelve hours he was
supposed to.
“I got the newbie to cover for me
tonight. I only get to celebrate ten years of happily wedded bliss once,
right?” He fingered the wrapping paper that’s only half secured around his
present on the bed. “What’s this?”
“You’ll have to wait until after
dinner to find out,” I chided him, slapping his hand away.
“Fine, then I’m going to go shower
and get ready. We can go a little early, or…” He wagged his eyebrows at me,
asking if I wanted to join him in his shower.
I rolled my eyes dramatically. “I’ll
pass this time. It will take me an hour to dry my hair again, but I will take
you up on that later,” I said seductively, wiggling my hips as I bent back over
to finish wrapping his present.
With an almost inaudible groan, he
entered our en suite bathroom to wash off the remains of his day.
Setting his now fully wrapped
present against our headboard, I changed into my sexiest bra and panty set,
hopeful that we wouldn’t eat too much at dinner, thus ruining the surprise I had
waiting back here.
It’s hard to believe we’d been
together for so long. It had only been ten years of marriage, but we were
together for five before that. I’d supported him while he finished up medical
school and his residency. We’d been through thick and thin, and even though I
was starting to get grey hairs and my figure wasn’t what it was long ago, I was
excited to show him his present. It took every ounce of courage I had to call
up Rosalie to ask her for this favor. She didn’t even let me finish explaining
my concept before she launched in with her ideas and her full support for it. Seeing
the final product made me feel conflicted. I felt empowered, yet horribly
vulnerable if he decided he didn’t like it.
I slipped my favorite cranberry
colored wrap dress on and wandered into the bathroom to touch up my hair and
makeup before we left. Opening the door, I smiled seeing Carlisle’s reflection
in the mirror. He was toweling off, and I couldn’t help but admire his strong
build and fit physique. By this point in my life, I’d figured my hunger for my
spouse would have diminished somewhat, but instead, it raged even hotter. Our
schedules conflicted often, which probably helped keep my libido running when
he actually was around.
“Like what you see, baby? I bet I
can fuck you against that counter and not even muss your hair,” he teased,
raising one eyebrow in challenge.
Pulling my shoulders back, I
walked proudly over to where he stood and bent over the counter, flipping my
dress over my hips and wiggled out of my underwear. “Go for it, stud.”
I’m not sure why I bothered to put
the dress on because with deft hands he untied it and let the fabric cascade to
the floor in a heap. Palming my breast in one hand, he ran the other over my
hip and down the crease of my leg, headed for the Promised Land. Two fingers
slid through my pussy lips, rubbing me back and forth, making sure I was ready
for him.
“You’re so beautiful,” he
whispered in my ear as he slipped his cock inside me. We watched each other in
the steamy mirror as we moved in unison. After being together for so long, we
knew what the other liked and didn’t. His fingers moved out of the way as my
own began flicking in the rhythm I liked best. His fingers retreated back and
entered my rear entrance, knowing it just took the feel of his finger there to
send me over the edge. His hips continued their assault while my orgasm shook
through me, helping bring him to completion.
Resting his head against my
shoulder, he kissed me twice. “I love you so much.”
After a quick clean up and
redress, we headed out to dinner at our favorite little French restaurant by
the Marina. It boasted wonderful cuisine and a spectacular view of the water.
We enjoyed our evening of
delicious food and catching up with one another after having worked conflicting
schedules for the last few weeks. Just as dessert and coffee were to be served,
he placed a small box on the table in front of me and urged me to open it.
Sliding the cover off, I was
stunned. Inside was an infinity band of delicately woven Celtic knots
interlaced with various shaped diamonds. It was breathtaking.
“I know when we first got married,
I couldn’t afford much, and I wanted to let you know how much I love you and
relish our years together.”
He urged me to try it on, to make
sure it fit beside my engagement ring.
“It’s lovely and too much, but
thank you.” I leaned over the table and kissed him softly.
After dinner, we wandered the
wharf for a little bit. The evening had turned out so pleasant that we didn’t
want it to end just yet, and we needed to walk off our dinners a bit before
heading home.
“Ready?” he whispered from where
he was standing behind me as we watched the sunset reflect over the water.
The closer we got to home, the
more nervous I got. I figured he would like his present, but with something so
personal, I could only guess.
As soon as the door closed behind
us, he asked, sounding like an anxious child, “So, do I get my present now?” He
must have sensed my apprehension because he took my hand and led me back to the
bedroom where I’d left his present. “Relax, I’m gonna love it. Whatever it is.”
Taking a deep breath, I handed it
to him and sat on the bed to await his reaction.
Tearing the paper, he flipped it
over and his jaw dropped. “You did this for me?” he asked, a note of awe and
appreciation laced in his tone.
Nodding my head, I couldn’t even
look him in the eye.
Setting the picture down, he
kneeled before me, tipping my chin so I would look at him.
“I can’t believe it. How? When? It’s
amazing. You’re amazing,” he enthused, kissing me deeply as he pushed me back
against the soft duvet.
Trapping my hands above my head,
he nibbled down my jaw before biting gently on my lobe.
“Tell me. Who else saw this?” His
voice was husky and raw, just like it did whenever he was turned on.
Finally meeting his eyes, I
replied, “Only Rose. She took them.” Glancing away, I asked the question I
needed to know, “So you liked them?”
Shaking his head and kissing my
nose he laughed. “Baby, you just gave me a collage of erotic photos of
yourself, and you’re asking me if I like them?”
He spent the rest of the night
showing me just how much he loved those photos.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
A Spirited Girl - Caius/Bella Fic
I posted a new short story titled A Spirited Girl.
I initially wrote it for IamTheAlleyCat for the Easter Bunny Fic Swap who gave me the prompt of a smutty Bella/Caius story where Bella is kind of a bad-ass. So this is what I came up with. It will post for the next two Monday's - a little 3 part ditty.
Summary: When Jane met up with Bella in the meadow, she was begging the vampire to take her life. To take her away from the misery of her memories of Edward. Instead, Jane takes her to Volterra, where she may just find her future. NEW MOON - AU OOC
The next two chapters will be in the smut-NC-17 variety. If a Caius/Bella smexy fic is up your alley, check out A Spirited Girl.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Refugee - My Photo Prompt Challenge Post
This was the photo prompt I used for this week's Photo Prompt Challenge post. It's short, but would love to hear what you think.
We move in huddled synchronization, our rhythm is slow and reverent. It has taken us years to get where we are, and it doesn’t matter that we’re hiding out in a basement, as we lie on a dingy mattress. What does matter, is that after spending almost five years apart, separated by continents and political strife, we are now together. Our love has always burned hot, like the extreme heat found in a the deepest blue of a flame. We’ve always worked together, but my family fled and made it out of the country before the change in regime, while you were forced to stay and endure the poverty and depravity that followed.
It has taken me years to figure out a way to get you out, but when I did, I sprang into action. And now you’re here beside me, on the last leg of our journey before going home.
Until next time,
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
A present for myself
Happy Birthday to me.
Okay, so I still have over a month until I hit middle age, but I got a tattoo in honor of the momentous upcoming event.
Wanna see it?
Love it. Love its meaning. Next one won't be for another 10 years when I turn 50 - so I have some time to plan.
Now to think of some things to commemorate my emergence onto the other side of the age mountain. You know the saying, it's all downhill from here? Well I plan on enjoying every minute of that wild ass ride.
Have some ink - show it off. Would love to see it in the comments or link me to a pic.
Also - if you have a suggestion on something I should add to my list of 40 things to accomplish during my 40th year, let me know!
Until next time,
Okay, so I still have over a month until I hit middle age, but I got a tattoo in honor of the momentous upcoming event.
Wanna see it?
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Bird tattoo |
Love it. Love its meaning. Next one won't be for another 10 years when I turn 50 - so I have some time to plan.
Now to think of some things to commemorate my emergence onto the other side of the age mountain. You know the saying, it's all downhill from here? Well I plan on enjoying every minute of that wild ass ride.
Have some ink - show it off. Would love to see it in the comments or link me to a pic.
Also - if you have a suggestion on something I should add to my list of 40 things to accomplish during my 40th year, let me know!
Until next time,
Friday, April 6, 2012
Fourth Time's a Charm - Pop the Question Entry - Now Posted
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by EddieBell69 |
I posted my Pop the Question entry on my profile just yesterday.
I didn't win anything, but the story is one of my all time favorites I've ever written.
If you are looking for a little fluff, a little angst and a lot of proposals, check out my entry.
Summary: Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. Henry Van Dyke
Thanks & have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Celestial Countenance - New Full Length Fic
Hi guys,
Just wanted to let you all know that I just started posting my Twilight 25 Round 6 Fic today.
You can find it here: Celestial Countenance
Summary: Sometimes when your life is all going downhill, the only place left to go is up. What if that place isn't exactly where Bella thinks? Perhaps, a more heavenly destination instead? A story about life, love and redemption.
Just wanted to let you all know that I just started posting my Twilight 25 Round 6 Fic today.
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Beautiful Banner by VBFB1 |
You can find it here: Celestial Countenance
Summary: Sometimes when your life is all going downhill, the only place left to go is up. What if that place isn't exactly where Bella thinks? Perhaps, a more heavenly destination instead? A story about life, love and redemption.
I hope to post every Tuesday and Thursday through the month of April and then more regularly as the deadline approaches at the end of May.
I already have the first 8 chapters written, so hopefully I can keep my pace up.
Also - any of my Behind the Velvet Rope readers - chapter 7 is with my beta. Hope to have that posted by early next week at the latest.
Friday, March 30, 2012
A Thousand Cranes - Photo Prompt Challenge
I recently started writing for the Photo Prompt Challenge blog site. This was my first prompt story based on the photo below. I am writing every other Thursday if you're interested.
And thanks to my lovely friend Burntcore who allowed me to join her wonderful team of writers.
A Thousand Cranes
The diagnosis came after months of denial.
Months of pretending I was okay, that the weight gain was just me aging and not a grapefruit sized tumor taking over my insides.
Sitting in my hospital bed, I laid back against the pillows, wishing for more time even though I knew once the sand slipped through the hourglass, there was no flipping it over.
“Anna, how are you feeling today?” My favorite nurse, Lisa wandered into my room, ready to take my vitals for what would end up feeling like the hundredth time of the day.
“You know, about the same.” I tried not to share my depression and loneliness with anyone, but she gave me a look that told me she knew I was lying.
“The only way you’re ever going to beat this thing is to believe you will, you know?” she replied, her motherly southern twang making me feeling even crappier.
“You see enough stuff. Don’t need mine to clutter your shelf, too.”
“Hey, this is the part of my job I like.” Winking at me, she patted my leg as she left my room, commenting that she might have something that would cheer me up.
I sat and mindlessly watched another episode of Judge Judy, trying to sleep off the pain the meds didn’t manage to contain. I must have dozed off because I woke up to a cacophony of high pitched voices coming from the hallway.
“Miss Anna, Miss Anna,” I heard shouted from the doors, as they swung open. Lisa stood trying to corral my sixth grade music class, who each appeared to be carrying a tote bag.
There were my fifteen students, huddled around my room with huge grins on each of their faces.
Lisa stood before them all, telling each of them to open their bags.
Suddenly my room was filled with an eruption of color. Paper origami cranes tumbled out of my kid’s bags, in every size, and color.
“Your principal called me, letting me know that they wanted to participate in the Cranes for Cancer project. Each of your students and quite a few parents and teachers all folded these for you.” She handed me one bag filled with the multi-colored birds.
“Miss Anna, did you know that there’s a Japanese tradition that says if you give someone a thousand cranes it will bring them good luck?” Sarah, the smart and often tattle-tale of the group said, looking extremely proud of herself for knowing this.
I couldn’t help the tears that flowed down my cheeks as child after child handed me their bags of cranes. My emotions couldn’t be contained; I was so touched by their gesture and hugged each of them fiercely as they gave me their offering.
The room was filled with the joyful buzz that only children can bring to you.
Lisa returned, placing a small CD player on my table, and told me the kids had wanted me to hear the concert I’d missed because of my illness. They all sat on the floor around my bed as we listened to their often off-key attempt at playing a medley of holiday tunes. I clapped enthusiastically for their performance once the CD ended.
We all talked for a while and I repeatedly inquired if they were being kind to my substitute, Miss Taylor. I was regaled by various stories and mishaps that had occurred in my absence, but seeing them all together made me remember why I was here and had undergone the surgery and subsequent chemo I’d be dealing with for months.
These kids and music were my life.
Before they headed off towards the bus, I told them all that I would be there to see their spring concert in a few months. There was one thing I always did, and that was fulfill my promises. Making that vow, I knew I’d fight my ass off to survive this disease, or at the very least the next few months.
“Feel better?” whispered Lisa, tucking the blanket back up around my body.
“Much,” I replied honestly, sitting up I gave her a hug she didn’t see coming. “You’re really good at your job. Thank you.”
Smiling, she didn’t comment. Just hugged me back and left the room. Leaving me to reflect on the fight I had ahead of me.
Thanks to Kimmydonn for betaing this for me. Much appreciated.
Also - Don't forget the contest I'm hosting:
I just posted the first five entries on FFN
Please go read & review
All entries are due on April 7th
Voting will open on April 9th
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Submerged - new O/S
This was originally written for the Truly Anonymous Contest. I didn’t win, but thanks to anyone who might have read & voted for it.
Summary : When my life started spinning out of control, I overlooked the dark depths of the bay and wished it would wash over me, cleansing all traces of these last few weeks. Instead I met a boy who changed everything.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything related to Twilight. I only own the plot of this story. No infringement intended.
My toes dipped into the chilly bay, but I barely felt the cold. I’d been wandering the deserted shore for hours, trying to clear my mind, when I stumbled upon a tiny dock jutting out into the water, looking lost and forgotten among the straight and narrow new ones that seemed to be mocking it.
I wandered out onto the rickety wooden structure, careful to avoid the wide gaps from missing slats. I was compelled to get out further from shore, my body and mind both trying to escape the flying shrapnel of my life.
My parents had left me with my grandparents for spring break, hoping that some time by themselves would help mend the rift that had been wedging itself between them for years. I wasn’t sure how one week was going to make up for a lifetime of harsh words and ill-treatment on both their parts, but it was the last step before the inevitable would happen. I knew my recent predicament didn’t help their relationship status either. Honestly, they should have divorced years ago, but from what I could tell they were putting up with each other until I left for college next year.
If I lived that long.
The haunting thought wafted through my mind like the smoke my grandmother exhaled in dainty puffs from her Virginia Slims as she’d stand on her deck, looking out over the water. A habit she’d had her entire life.
Life. It’s funny to think about it when there’s actually a possible end date. Well, not funny, funny really, but funny in the odd sense of the word. The kind you never really think of until the moment when you’re forced to actually do so.
It was well past two in the morning, but I couldn’t sleep and had slipped out of my grandparents’ old cottage on the bay to take a walk, knowing the majority of people who could afford to live this close to its banks were mostly the wealthy or elderly who’d bought years ago when things were still affordable. Either way, I highly doubted someone would cause me much trouble tonight.
The cool breeze off the water blew over my bare shoulders, making me shiver even though it was a relatively balmy evening, but my body did what it wanted these days, regardless of the temperature outside.
Staring out over the moonlit water, I thought back to a few weeks ago, before my life started to crumble around me like the walls of Jericho.
And most of it wasn’t really because of anything anyone had done to me.
Just the random luck of the draw sort of thing life dumps in your lap when you’re least expecting it.
Only a few months ago I was applying to colleges and trying to figure out if the boy I had a crush on would ask me to the Winter Solstice dance. Then things started happening.
I hadn’t wanted to alarm anyone to my rapidly dropping weight, or the aches and pains I had every morning that lasted further and further into the day with each passing week.
No, I figured it was just the stress of life, of graduating, of trying to figure out which college to attend. The one I wanted or the one to please my image conscious parents?
One day my nose kept bleeding for more than a half hour and I’d had to go to the nurse; she’d become alarmed to see the bruises on my body where no one had laid a hand on me. She called my parents, recommending I see a doctor immediately.
Of course they were mildly concerned, saying they’d set something up for the doctor the next day, but their lives were busy and all-consuming and one day moved on into another. The weeks passed, and because I didn’t really think it was serious either, I let it go, not feeling the need to remind them.
Until it happened again, only my nose wouldn’t stop bleeding this time. It gushed and gushed, so much that the nurse had called 911 and they took me away in an ambulance when even the EMT’s couldn’t get it to stop.
My parents of course were unavailable until much later when they were forced to come down to the hospital and given the bad news.
Advanced stage.
Prognosis not good.
The words tumbled around my mind again and I wondered why I was even bothering. I didn’t know if I had the fight in me to keep living, when my life so far hadn’t been all that worth living.
My parents didn’t even give me a choice, shoving me in to see doctor after doctor to discuss my treatment options.
Bone marrow transplant.
My knowledge of the disease and its related treatments and outcomes were a fuzzy blur of information rattling around in my head.
Yet no one asked me my opinion. As if a seventeen year old had no choice about the way her life was supposed to go.
It often amused me to think how my parents only really started paying attention to my well-being once it wasn’t so well.
I was supposed to start treatment the following week, but I was still contemplating what to do.
Not that I had much choice since I was considered a minor.
Tonight as I stood at the edge of the dock, staring out into its murky depths, I just wanted to dive in and let it swallow me whole.
Take away the choice I’d never been given.
A board creaked from behind me, warning me of someone’s approach.
Spinning quickly, I saw a hooded figure sauntering towards me, as if they had all the time in the world.
To murder you, I thought, yet even with the hairs on my neck on high alert, I didn’t scream or jump into the chilly water to swim away.
When he was finally close enough, I saw a boy not much older than myself standing a yard away; his hoodie was covering his head, eyes barely visible in the moonlight.
“What are you doing?” His voice was deep and clear. Not a hint of aggression laced within, only a simple question to a crazy girl standing at the end of a dock in nothing but the filmy nightgown her grandmother gave her to sleep in.
“Thinking.” My simple reply seemed to satisfy his curiosity, and he walked closer, asking if he could join me. With a shrug, I told him he could do anything he wanted since it wasn’t my dock to begin with.
“I know, it’s actually my parents.” His smile was warm and inviting and for a moment it made me forget where I was, until after a beat too long, I realized I was trespassing on his dock.
“Oh, um… I guess I should go. I couldn’t sleep and –“
“I’m Edward. You can stay. I couldn’t sleep either.” He sat down beside my feet and tugged on the ends of my nightgown, signaling me to sit beside him.
“So what’s keeping you up this beautiful evening?” he asked. I almost didn’t hear him above the soft lapping sounds the waves made against the shore.
“Stuff.” I hadn’t told anyone about my condition, even though I was pretty sure my parents had spread the word enough for the entire town we live in to know all about it by now.
“Stuff. Well…that’s quite a lot of things to think about,” he teased, making the corners of my mouth turn up in what could almost be considered a grin. It was the first time someone had made me smile in a couple of weeks’ time.
“What are you doing up?” The question came out more abruptly than I intended, but he didn’t seem to notice and answered me anyhow.
“I have bouts of insomnia. My brain won’t shut off, so I take a walk on the beach to try and clear it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Although, tonight is the first time I’ve ever met someone out here at the same time.”
We sat in companionable silence for a few minutes, just watching the moon drift from behind one cloud to another.
He turned his head towards me. “Are you the Swan’s granddaughter? My mom said there was going to be a girl here this week.” He smiled again, sending a blooming warmth through me that I’d never felt before, and I wondered if it was he was flirting with me or if I was just imagining things.
“Yeah, Bella. Bella Swan. Nice to meet you, Edward.” I attempted my most coquettish smile, but I imagined it probably looked more like I was disfigured instead.
“Bella. Is that short for something?”
“Have you met my grandma Swan? Her name is Isabella, so yeah. I was named after her. It was too confusing for me when I was little, never knowing if someone was talking to me or her, so I go by Bella now.”
“Hmm, cool.”
My mind whirred trying to come up with something to say to him but the only topics my brain was willing to suggest to me was my upcoming battle with the big C and I just wasn’t ready for this complete stranger to start looking at me like I had a disease.
Oh wait, you have one.
I physically winced at the thought, causing Edward to ask me what was wrong.
Opening my mouth, I intended on telling him nothing. That I was fine. Super. Peachy. Never better.
Instead every weight of the world that had been piled on me over the course of the last two months came tumbling out of my mouth.
I told him about my parents and how they ignored me and probably never should have married in the first place.
How my grandparents were more like parents than my own.
That I had Leukemia and I was probably going to die within the next year, or less if I didn’t get the suggested treatment next week.
That my mom probably paid for a guy to ask me to this year’s Valentine dance and when he walked me to my door, he basically backwashed in my mouth when he kissed me because it was so sloppy.
I explained how terrified I was that I’d never actually lose my virginity because I’d die before that’d happen.
And that I thought he was probably the cutest boy I’d ever seen and I couldn’t understand why he was still sitting beside me.
Whoops, should have kept that one to myself.
“Wow, that is lot of stuff,” he replied after my rambling confession.
“You can go in if you want. I really didn’t mean to tell you all that shit.” I knew I was blushing, embarrassed by my verbal diarrhea, but took solace in that it was dark and he couldn’t see it.
Instead of getting up and running in the opposite direction like I anticipated, he scooted closer, wrapping his arm around me, and pulled me into his side.
“Bella, everyone has problems. You shouldn’t be ashamed of yours,” he whispered, hugging me in a way that made my stomach flutter and my cheeks burn even hotter.
I didn’t try to hide my tears or my fears after that. We sat and talked, huddled together on that old dock until the sun began to rise. We spoke about our hopes, dreams, fears and failures and for the first time in almost a year I felt lighter, and that perhaps there was someone out in the world who ‘got’ me.
Pulling me up off the dock, Edward embraced me tightly, whispering, “Bella, you have a lot to live for. You just need to discover it.” Kissing my cheek, he sent me down the beach to my own house, telling me we’d meet again later after we’d both gotten some sleep.
Hours later, I told my grandma I was going for a walk; she just smiled knowingly, making me secretly wonder if she was either spying on me or some kind of crazy soothsayer.
Or you’re just being paranoid.
I wandered out to the beach, but with the overcast skies and the brisk breeze that had rolled in, it was deserted for the most part. The only person out and about was a tall, lanky man in a baseball cap playing with a golden retriever, chucking sticks into the water and having the dog bring them back.
I sat in the sand and watched from a distance, unable to help myself from smiling at their playful interaction.
Wrapping my arms around my bent knees, I laid my head across them and closed my eyes, allowing the breeze to swirl the errant strands of my ponytail around my face. Realizing that this might be one of the last times I’d get to feel my long hair in its natural unruly state, I didn’t try to brush it away, trying to hold on to the memory of what it felt like tickling my nose. I must have fallen asleep, because I suddenly heard my name being called from a distance. Groggily looking up, I saw Edward strolling down the beach towards me, his hoodie back in place over his head, and flip-flops on his feet.
“Bella, what are you doing?” he asked, smiling down at me.
“Apparently I didn’t get enough sleep last night,” I teased, but I knew my nap probably was more due to the toll my disease was taking on my body than the sleep I hadn’t gotten the night before. I’d slept five hours when I got back in after our early morning chat, and knew for a teenager, that should have been more than sufficient to be alert and functioning.
He looked at me intently. “How are you?” Dropping to his knees, he lightly brushed the bruised skin beneath my tired eyes with the soft pad of his thumb. “I didn’t realize how fragile you were last night.”
“I’m fine,” I huffed in annoyance, but knew he was right. I was delicate these days. The slightest touch would make me bruise; a tiny cut would bleed for hours.
“Come on, I have someplace I want to show you.” Tugging me to my feet, we walked hand in hand along the beach. It wasn’t awkward or weird. It felt like after telling him all of the secrets I’d been hiding for so long, that we’d been friends for longer than just a few hours. Holding my hand tighter, he helped me over a cement break wall and down the other side.
I was concentrating so hard on not falling over, I didn’t realize the splendor in front of me.
We were at the mouth of a river that fed into the bay, but it wasn’t just a simple river. It was a cascade of three small waterfalls with the banks of the river surrounded by majestic weeping willows. The effect was like a fairytale. All it needed was a castle on the hill behind it to make it complete.
“How have I never seen this before?” I asked, taking a seat beneath the willow near the closest waterfall.
“The willows sort of hide it from view. If you don’t know it’s here, you’d walk right by,” he explained, sitting down beside me. I allowed him to take my hand in his and rub soothing designs across the back with his thumb.
“I wish I had my camera; I’d love to shoot it.” I noticed the wistfulness in my voice, but tried to smile at Edward, hoping he’d miss the pity party for one tone it had taken on. I hadn’t actually felt inspired enough to use my camera since I was diagnosed; all the joy I had in my hobby seemed to have withered away to nothingness.
Nudging me out of my thoughts, Edward optimistically suggested, “So we’ll bring it tomorrow. The day should be a little better anyhow; I bet you could get a really nice shot with the sun sparkling in the water.”
I squeezed his hand to let him know I appreciated his positive attitude, and vowed to turn my mood around now that I was with such good company and in such a lovely locale.
We sat admiring the beauty for a few quiet minutes, just listening to the rushing water over the falls when Edward blurted, “Bella, I have to be honest with you.”
His sudden exclamation sent alarm bells ringing through my mind. I pulled my hand out from beneath his and looked at him quizzically, wondering what the hell was going on.
“Your grandma told me you were coming here, and about your diagnosis.”
I gaped openly at him, my eyes wide with surprise.
Why in the world would she tell anyone, especially the cute boy from down the shore? And why wouldn’t he have said something last night?
“Why?” I sputtered, finally turning away, an errant tear escaping. I was feeling betrayed by not only my grandmother, but the first friend I’d made in quite some time.
“Look at me,” he begged. “Please.”
Glancing back I saw he’d flipped down his hood to reveal a short layer of fuzzy bright red hair, so fine you could still see his scalp through it.
“I finished chemo almost three months ago. They say it will eventually go back to my normal color, but right now I’m channeling Carrot Top.” He was so calm and nonchalant about it all; I had to wonder why he hid it from me at all.
“Your parents are worried that you aren’t going to fight it. They wanted you to spend some time here to see that not all cancer diagnosis end in a death sentence.”
I didn’t really know what to say. I wanted to tell him to fuck off. That if I didn’t want to fight it, there was nothing he could do about, but the pleading look on his face melted my imaginary ice wall.
To see him standing before me, baring his scalp like a sacrifice, meant more to me than I understood at the time.
“Why didn’t you just tell me last night? Why now? Why lie?” Even though I wanted to forgive his little lapse of information, I still held on to my grief and anger like a mother clutching her newborn babe.
“Bella, if I told you last night when we first met, you would never have opened up to me. You thought I was a stranger who you’d probably never see again. I was just some harmless bystander who you could reveal your deepest darkest feelings and fears to without the repercussion of having to deal with me knowing the information. If I told you, you would have shut down, just like you’re doing now.”
Even though I knew he was right, I still was irrationally angry. Ah, another beautiful side effect of my disease, the weakness, the insomnia, the vacillating body temperature whenever the wind blew and the mood swings I’d come to know and loathe.
“I get it. Really I do.” He had moved to tug me into his lap, even though I resisted the entire way, making him do all the work in getting me there.
“Do you honestly think when the doctor told me I was going to lose a ball and all of the lymph nodes in the bottom half of my body I was excited? That I didn’t feel like punching the wall? Or when he told me I might not be able to have kids? That I was going to be sick and lose all my hair, thanks to the chemo cocktail they’d administer each week? Don’t think I don’t know the rage and frustration you’re feeling, cause I do.” Even though his words were laced with residual anger, they were spoken softly, succinctly, almost like he was trying not to spook an animal or something.
“I understand, not just what you’re going to have to go through, but all the other crap that comes with it.” Pulling back, he looked down at me, his eyes pleading and honest. “That’s why your grandma told me. She’d been bringing me soup and other treats whenever she had the chance, knowing my mom and dad both had to work to pay for my treatments. She drove me to my appointments if my parents weren’t able. When she found out about you, it broke her heart to realize that she was going to need to do the same for you.”
Wrapping me back up in his arms, his hand migrated into my hair, running his fingers through the tangles in my ponytail, until even that didn’t appease him and he tugged the rubber band out, letting the snarls loose into his wide fingered comb.
“I just want you to know that there’s more. That the fight’s worth it. I’ve seen the photos your grandma has in her house; you’re so extremely talented. Don’t let the anger suck you into a vortex you can’t get out of, because if you don’t have fight, you won’t win.”
I hadn’t even tried to stop the tears flowing from my eyes. I knew every word he spoke was his truth, but I just didn’t know if I could be that strong. That focused.
“Hey, that was supposed to be a pep talk. There go my plans on becoming a motivational speaker.” He tugged on my chin to get me to meet his eyes. They were green like the grass after a good rain, and even with the dark circles beneath them, they drew me into their warmth. His smile was shy, crooked and completely endearing. I was curled up in his lap like a cat, my face nuzzled into his chest, trying to process everything he’d told me, and I realized I hadn’t felt this safe, secure and loved, well… ever, really.
We sat on the bank of the river for hours, not really saying much, but I relished in the warmth of his embrace, the tenderness of his touch. It was more physical contact than I’d gotten from my absent parents in years.
“Hey, it’s almost dinner time. We should get you fed. You need to keep your strength up. You’ve got a tough fight ahead of you.” I rolled my eyes at his blatant optimism and take on my situation, but smiled at the same time, glad that I’d found someone who could understand everything I was feeling now and would in the future.
Pulling a scrap of paper out of the back pocket of his shorts, he handed it to me, telling me it was his cell number and to call if I couldn’t sleep again tonight. That even if he was sleeping, he’d come out to keep me company or to listen or to just be if that was what I needed.
I didn’t know where this boy had come from, but his thoughtfulness and sincerity broke down every wall I’d put up to keep anyone from getting to know me. I hugged him fiercely, thanking him for today. It had been one of the most relaxing and enjoyable ones I’d ever had.
“Thank you,” I whispered one last time before slowly walking back to my grandparent’s cottage, wondering what the rest of the week would be like.
I sat under the willow tree that I’d come to think of as ours and reflected on how I got here.
After Spring Break, I found out I’d gotten a full ride to Stanford and with the medical bills my parents were still paying off, I had to take it. Moving me away from you when you needed me most. And that thought would probably haunt me forever.
We spent much of the summer together as you went through your treatments, doing your best to battle against an opponent who at the time looked like it was going to take you down for the count.
When I went off to college, I told you I’d come back for you. You just needed to call and I would hock everything I owned to catch that flight to help you fight, but you didn’t call for months.
I assumed you were getting better and that I’d have the chance to see you over Christmas.
But when I’d gotten the call to come back here for you on a blustery November morning, it wasn’t because you were doing well. It was so you could say goodbye.
My parents didn’t approve of me taking time off from school to do this, but it was the least I could do for you.
For our friendship.
So there I stood under the willow, only hours after you took your last breath in your grandmother’s guest room that had been turned into a hospice care for you last few days.
Your smile lit up your ashen face when I walked in after taking the first flight I could to see you.
Your body was frail and your skin so translucent, I could see the blue and red blood vessels snaking their way through your body.
I tried, with everything I had, to smile and pretend like everything was fine, but my façade quickly broke down and I spent much of the first hour crying into your chest while you softly trailed your fingers through my now thick, wavy hair, reassuring me in hushed tones.
I’d come to love you, in our own crazy co-dependent way. I relished in your fragility, your need to be taken care of and I thrived on providing you the support you required.
It was difficult leaving and starting a new life without you, but you were never far from my mind, and I hoped one day you too would be facing the first of many college experiences once you’d won your own battle.
But you didn’t.
I felt the tears start to flow once again, and I did nothing but let them slide down my face, splashing onto the ground in big fat drops.
My heart was shattered by your passing, a hole I knew no other person in my future would ever fill. Because to me you were more than my friend or a lover; you were a kindred spirit whom I could only wish to meet again in heaven, hopefully years and years from now.
I imagined your face the way it was when we first met, your hair a tangle of dark waves surrounding your healthy and full cheeks. A smile, as broad and warm as the summer breeze. Your spirit larger than life and willing to fight against all the things people forced down your throat, even if it was well intentioned.
“Good bye, Bella, I’ll miss you forever,” I whispered into the wind, as I finished what I’d come to do.
Friends Forever
I put my knife back in my pocket and walked the long way home, knowing I’d never be back to our hidden oasis by the bay. Yet our names and what we meant to each other would never be forgotten as long as the majestic willow stood on the bank of the river.
~~ The End~~
Thanks so much for reading along. I know it’s sad, but that’s where the story took me. Would love some feedback if you have some.
Also – I entered the Pop theQuestion contest. Would love it if you would go read the entries and vote. One is mine. Trust me, that one is WAY happier & fluffier than this one, so have no fear.
Also – I’m hosting the HopeSprings Eternal O/S Contest – there’s still time if you’d like to write something for that – Entries are due 4/7
Thanks again for all your support. It really means a lot to me.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Have you heard the news?
So, I realize I've been a bit remiss in my blog here.
I have a few things going on right now.
1st - I entered the Truly Anonymous Contest - there are 97 entries, and I'm quite sure I won't win a thing. That's okay though. There are a LOT of wonderful stories to read, so if you looking for something to read, go here to read them. Voting opens next week. Once we're allowed, I'll post my entry onto my FFN site.
2nd. I entered the Pop the Question contest & I absolutely ADORE my entry. They haven't posted entries yet, but when they do, I'll post another note on here to let you know. Voting opens in the middle of the month. (March 17th)
3rd. I'm hosting the Hope Springs Eternal Contest
I have a few things going on right now.
1st - I entered the Truly Anonymous Contest - there are 97 entries, and I'm quite sure I won't win a thing. That's okay though. There are a LOT of wonderful stories to read, so if you looking for something to read, go here to read them. Voting opens next week. Once we're allowed, I'll post my entry onto my FFN site.
2nd. I entered the Pop the Question contest & I absolutely ADORE my entry. They haven't posted entries yet, but when they do, I'll post another note on here to let you know. Voting opens in the middle of the month. (March 17th)
3rd. I'm hosting the Hope Springs Eternal Contest
Entries are currently being accepted, but if you haven't written your story yet, it's not too late. Entries will be accepted until April 7th. So go to the blog site, pick your favorite prompt & start writing. It's that easy!
4th. I signed up for the Twilight 25 again. And I'm very excited. I will be trying to write a full length fic with each chapter based on one of the 25 prompts. If you saw my entries last time, I did a combination of drabbles & O/S. This time I'm going to try a full length fic, so I hope it all works out. I have my idea, now I just need to execute it well. Hopefully I'll do it justice, but I think you'll like it. Or I hope some of you do.
Hope to have the first few chapters posted soon.
Lastly, I apologize to everyone waiting for my next installment of Behind the Velvet Rope. I hope to have another chapter in the works this month & posted soon. Sorry, I've been stumped & worked on a few O/S to try and work though my block. I promise, I haven't given up on it, the smut & story will continue, so just continue to be a little patient with me.
Cheers & Happy March!!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Whisper in the Breeze - New O/S
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Beautiful Banner by @Christag_Banner |
I posted a new one-shot on Monday, but with FFN failure,
a lot of my readers didn't get any kind of notification.
I hope some of you will check it out.
I really love it.
Summary: Sometimes you need to be reminded that life does go on, no matter how much you wish it wouldn't. That your destiny might be just around the corner, if you open your heart to it. A story about love, loss and moving forward, one step at a time.
Here's the link for your reading pleasure.
I also entered the Truly Anonymous Contest
They got a lot of entries, but one of them is mine & I'd love it if you would read them.
I'll post the story once the contest is over in Mid-March.
Also, don't forget about the contest I'm hosting

Check out the prompts, pick your favorite & get writing.
Accepting entries starting March 1st - April 7th
Thanks & until next time, stay inspired.
Monday, January 23, 2012
New Contest - Hope Springs Eternal - @hopesprings2012
So I was coerced asked to put together another contest.
After the dreadful start of the year for me and my family, I decided to put a spin on the contest in an effort to remind me that all is not lost. Things will eventually get better, I just need to have alot little patience, and some faith that life will turn back around.
My life inspired idea is this...
When life gives you lemons, it's what you do with them that makes all the difference in the world.
So please check out the Hope Springs Eternal blog site, pick a prompt and write us a real life sort of tale that shows there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to pray it's not a train.
It's an anonymous, any pairing, any rating, AU, AH, whatever you want to write kind of contest.
I'm game.
Just not a sickly sweet perfect romance. That's not life, that's a fairy tale, and that isn't what I hope people will write about for this contest.
Now shoo... pick your prompt and get cracking.
Entries will be accepted from March 1, 2012 - April 7, 2012
Later my lovelies!
After the dreadful start of the year for me and my family, I decided to put a spin on the contest in an effort to remind me that all is not lost. Things will eventually get better, I just need to have a
My life inspired idea is this...
When life gives you lemons, it's what you do with them that makes all the difference in the world.
So please check out the Hope Springs Eternal blog site, pick a prompt and write us a real life sort of tale that shows there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to pray it's not a train.
It's an anonymous, any pairing, any rating, AU, AH, whatever you want to write kind of contest.
I'm game.
Just not a sickly sweet perfect romance. That's not life, that's a fairy tale, and that isn't what I hope people will write about for this contest.
Now shoo... pick your prompt and get cracking.
Entries will be accepted from March 1, 2012 - April 7, 2012
Later my lovelies!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Behind the Velvet Rope Chapter 6
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Beautiful Banner by FrozenSoldier |
In case you missed it - I *cough cough* finally posted chapter 6 of Behind the Velvet Rope.
This chapter DOES have smut in it, and there are some integral plot points revealed.
Hope you enjoy!
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