So today is my birthday.
Not just any birthday, but the one that brings me into the middle ages. I figure since the average lifespan is somewhere probably in the early eighties, then I am just hitting the middle of my time here on earth, if nothing horribly catastrophic or tragic hits me to shorten that.
So, now that I'm here, I wonder what should I do with the rest of my life?
It sounds silly, especially when I think about the fact it was probably the topic of some essay I used to get into college, yet here I am, some twenty plus years later and still thinking about it.
But to be honest, I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, or older or however you want to put it.
I'm smart. I have a college degree and a masters. Yet I still am flummoxed as how to make my time left here worth something. That me being here actually mattered. (well to someone other than my kids)
Perhaps I'm just waxing nostalgic today, but I honestly don't have a clue. I'm wandering in circles, flitting into this or that, dabbling in the arts, in music and in writing. But I have yet to find the patience and willingness to stand still long enough to master any of them.
So, another year has passed me by and I am still suck in the same spot as last year, and the year before, and the year before that.
I'm vowing to change that this year though.
(don't laugh)
I have been writing fan fiction for the last four years.
I've written 2 full length fics, 1 WIP and something like 17 One-shots
And I think once I finish Behind the Velvet Rope (my WIP) I'm going to try and write some OF. I'm trying to work on improving my overall writing and hope to test them out with this new story. Who knows if I'll ever have the courage to attempt to get it published (I am in the closet after all) but we'll see.
Other than that, I haven't a clue what this next year will bring, but I hope it is filled with laughter, love, great friends (both near & far) and health. Everything else is gravy, icing, or whatever you want to call it.
Thanks to everyone in the fandom who has supported me, reviewed and read any of my stories. You've kept me sane these last 4 years and I cherish every moment I've been here.
In the mean time, I'm going to do my best to stay forever young.
and I hope you'll all stick by me as I do.
Until next time,
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