Friday, May 6, 2011

Dreams He Sold Her - Teaser #3 for @Fandom4Storms

Okay- this week the new teaser postcard is:

If you're interested - here's the summary of the fic that I'll be writing for the Fandom4Storms:

She waited with baited breath for each postcard she would receive.  Each month it would come from a different exotic locale.  Each time she would hope that it would bring her news that he was headed back to her and to all of the dreams that he sold her.

Teaser #2 - Hong Kong

Teaser #1 - Dubai

And my fantastic banner made by Beautiful Liar

Please donate to the @Fandom4Storms and help all those devastated by the horrible weather that whipped through the Southern part of our country in late April.  This story will be part of that compilation and not posted to my profile until well into the summer months.
Thanks... until teaser #4

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