Monday, July 2, 2012

Behind the Velvet Rope - Chapter 8 posted

Hi guys,
I know, I've been somewhat remiss with my posting in here, but it's because I'm trying to figure out a couple of original fic/story ideas and which to try and tackle first.

I'm a waffler by nature, indecisive to a fault.  So hopefully I'll outline and move forward with one.

In the meantime, I've vowed to myself to finish my sole neglected WIP - Behind the Velvet Rope by summer's end.

In fulfilling my promise, I posted a shortish chapter today if you're interested.

Behind the Velvet Rope - Chapter 8

Also - if you haven't heard - The Emerging Swan Awards will begin the nomination process on July 15th. 

Check out the site for all the rules and information.  Put together your list of favorite Twi-fics and then nominate them when we open in the middle of the month.

Until next time,