Thursday, April 26, 2012

Refugee - My Photo Prompt Challenge Post

This was the photo prompt I used for this week's Photo Prompt Challenge post.  It's short, but would love to hear what you think.


We move in huddled synchronization, our rhythm is slow and reverent. It has taken us years to get where we are, and it doesn’t matter that we’re hiding out in a basement, as we lie on a dingy mattress. What does matter, is that after spending almost five years apart, separated by continents and political strife, we are now together. Our love has always burned hot, like the extreme heat found in a the deepest blue of a flame. We’ve always worked together, but my family fled and made it out of the country before the change in regime, while you were forced to stay and endure the poverty and depravity that followed.

It has taken me years to figure out a way to get you out, but when I did, I sprang into action. And now you’re here beside me, on the last leg of our journey before going home.


Until next time,

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