Monday, May 2, 2011

Crazy ass dreams

Last night I had the strangest dreams.
One involved me hanging with two of my neighbors and SNOOKIE (Um, never fucking watched that show, EVER yet she was sitting on the couch with me and two other ladies) When one of my neigbors squeezed in between me & Snookie and said she wanted to see if Snookie's boobs were real and proceeded to feel her gigantic cans up. LOL   Yes very very odd. 

Then I had another dream where I was in college living in a large dorm room with about ten other women - like a suite with a TV room etc.  But the crazy thing was that I forgot to register for any classes and ended up waiting for a week after classes even started before looking into signing up for any?   I was panicked. 

Yeah, crazy and I haven't a clue but I like to write these things down in case sometime I feel like looking that shit up to see what's really on my subconcious.

Now back to my regularly scheduled nonsense.  LOL

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