Monday, April 11, 2011

Working on a collab

I'm really excited to be working with KatieCav on a collab for the Strictly Charlie contest.  So I can't say anything about it, since it's an anonymous contest, but we worked for almost 3hrs just flushing out the story on Gchat today and I had an absolute ball.  We ran through probably about ten ideas then whittled it down to one and then began outlining the story from there.  Granted, I didn't get any of my work done, but it was fun.  Now I just have to start writing it.  Which of course makes me a bit nervous now that someone else is relying on something that I'm supposed to be creating.  So yeah, nervous, excited and hopefully our two styles will compliment eachother.

Anyhow, keep your eyes peeled when you read the Strictly Charlie stories and see if you can find ours in the mix.

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